My diary as I start a BSc degree with the Open University, alongside job hunting and dealing with my ongoing depression.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

I have an interview

Dear Diary,

What fantastic news, I have an interview coming up next week. According to the agency I'm signed up to they were incredibly impressed with my C.V and really thought my skills were transferable to their business.

Technically they're right, my skills are transferable to their business because from the sounds it's almost exactly like what I used to do only a different industry and no manual labour involved.

Even the wage sounds great, and the fact they're based not too far from where I live is a big bonus. The only downer here is it's a nine month contract, so I may not be there forever, unless they really like me and offer me a permanent contract (fingers crossed)

I'm so glad now I went shopping before for clothes to wear to an interview, they say dress for the job you want, and I want a nice, professional job, preferably without anyone rolling around on the floor or groping each other (yes that happened in my last place)

So I'm thinking my nice jumper/shirt combo, smart black trousers and my new leather ankle shoes should look good, alongside my structured black coat and new bag I hope to make a good impression. I'll re-colour my hair as well I think, and ensure my makeup looks natural but nice.

My planned outfit.

Wish me luck, I never realised till recently how much of my self was tied up in having regular work, my depression has been playing up while I've been out of work with the whole rigmarole of telling me I'm worth nothing, I'm valueless, I'm useless, all for lack of full time employment. Knowing I have an interview and that they are very interested in me has perked me up no end, so keep everything crossed for me I get this job.

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